Clerk of Session: Tim Patterson
Kris Beebe, Melissa Cook, Dave Purkey, Ray Mennega, Maggie Nussbaum, Susan Foster, Dale Vandenbark

Terri Sidwell
Vice Moderator:Bev LeMaster
Secretary:Becky Welch
Treasurer:Joan Miska
Liz Grimm, Donna Myers, John Myers, Marilyn Royer, Jane Reed, Bill Cook, Barry Sheets, Lou LeMaster, Jen Ardrey

Church Staff
Music Director/Adult Choir Director: Melinda Patterson
Organist: Kathy Hixson
Handbell Choir Director: Kris Beebe
Church Treasurer: Taffy Tippett
Webmaster: Tim Patterson

We invite you to enjoy our hymns and audio recordings of sermons.

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

Jesus Christ is Risen!

August 23, 2020

Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart with O Breath of Life
arr: Cindy Berry
Pianist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License #20421347

August 16, 2020

People Need the Lord
by: Steve Green
Vocalist: Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License #20421347

August 9, 2020

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
by: Crocker, Houston, Ligthelm
by: Mary McDonald
Vocalist: Jonathan Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License #20421347

August 2, 2020

Jesus Is the Living Stone
by: Mary McDonald
Vocalist: Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License #20421347

July 26, 2020

Reckless Love
by: Asbury, Culver, Jackson
Vocalist: Jonathan Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License #20421347

July 19, 2020

There is a Balm in Gilead
arr: Mark Hayes
Vocalist: Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License #20421347

July 5, 2020

Beautiful Savior
by: David Allen
Vocalists: Jonathan and Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

June 28, 2020

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Arr. Wagner
Vocalists: Jonathan and Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

June 14, 2020

You Say
by: Daigle, Ingram and Maybury
Vocalists: Jonathan and Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

May 31, 2020

My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less
Arr. William B. Bradbury
Vocalists: Jonathan and Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

May 17, 2020

Morning Has Broken
Arr. Mary McDonald
Pianist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

May 3, 2020

How Great Thou Art
Stuart K. Hine
Vocalist: Jonathan Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

April 26, 2020

Give Me Jesus
arr. Lloyd Larson
Vocalists: Mindy Patterson, Jonathan Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

April 19, 2020

Amazing grace!

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
arr. Joel Raney
Vocalist: Jonathan Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson
CCLI License: 20421347

April 12, 2020

Jesus Christ is Risen!

I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
from: Messiah
Composer: G. F. Handel
Vocalist: Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson

April 10, 2020

Friday Lenten Music: When You Prayed Beneath the Trees
Composer: Lloyd Larson
Vocalists: Jonathan Patterson and Mindy Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson

April 7, 2020

Lenten music:
What Wondrous Love is This
American Folk Hymn, c. 1811
Vocalist: Jonathan Patterson
Accompanist: Kathy Hixson

830 Military Road       Zanesville, Ohio 43701       740-452-8482