



March 22, 2025

Here is the March - April Triumph!

March 2023

Read the latest in the March/April 2023 Trinity Triumph!

September 2022

Read the latest in the September/October Trinity Triumph!

March 6, 2022

Read the latest in the March/April 2022 Trinity Triumph!

October 4, 2021

Read the latest newsletter from mission co-worker, Chenoa Stock.

September 2021

Read the latest in the September/October 2021 Trinity Triumph!

July 1, 2021

Read the July/August news in the Trinity Triumph!

January 16, 2021

Read the latest in the January/February 2021 Trinity Triumph!

February 20, 2020

Read about the Lenten season events and activities in the March/April 2020 Trinity Triumph!

January 1, 2020

Read the January/February Triumph! Read the latest news and upcoming events at Trinity in 2020!

August 26, 2019

Read the September/October Triumph with news from Chenoa and family!

July, 2019

Read the July/August Triumph, and meet our new pastor, Rev. Deb Bowsher!

Also, read the news from Chenoa and family.

May 6, 2019

Read the May/June Triumph. Find out who earned his Eagle scout award, read Dr. Schumacher's Mother's Day article and find out about our upcoming events!

May 2, 2019

Chenoa update: In 2016 Trinity United Presbyterian Church formed a relationship with PC(USA) Mission Co-worker, Chenoa Stock. At that time she was serving in Bolivia, but has since moved to Peru.

"Chenoa Stock serves in Peru as delegation and partnership coordinator. She works with PC(USA) delegations to foster partnerships with our Peruvian covenant partners, the Evangelical Church of Peru (IEP) and the Joining Hands Peru Network.

Chenoa organizes, accompanies, and interprets for visiting delegations, helping to ensure that these visits reflect the mutual mission priorities of the partners. She sets up in-country logistics, assists in planning itineraries, and works with trip leaders and the communities that are visited by the delegations."

You can read Chenoa's full bio here.

You can also visit her image gallery from her time in Bolivia.

February 18, 2019

You can learn what's new at Trinity by reading the March/April Triumph. Read Rev. Allison's "A Lenten Easter Self-Check - Implication of Incarnation"

December 18, 2018

We invite you to join us for our beautiful and meaningful worship service on December 24, 2018 beginning 7pm.

You can also learn what is happening at Trinity by reading the January/February Triumph!

Read the newsletter from our mission co-worker, here.

December 10, 2018

Christmas at Trinity

October 21, 2018

Click here to read the November/December Triumph and find out what is happening at Trinity!

September 15, 2018

Click here to read the September/October 2018 Triumph! Join us in our upcoming events and activities!

May 17, 2018

Click here to read the May/June 2018 Triumph!

March 5, 2018

Click here to read the March/April 2018 Triumph!
Meet Chenoa's son and find out what is happening at Trinity!

January 14, 2018

Per our inclement weather policy, there will be no service today due to the Level 2 Snow Emergency.

If Muskingum County is
on a Level 2 Snow Emergency at
8:00 a.m. on any Sunday, all
activities at the church, including
the worship service, will be
canceled for that day.

January 7, 2018

Click here to read the January/February 2018 Triumph!

Also, find out what Chenoa Stock, mission co-worker has been working on in Bolivia.

October 24

Click here to read the November/December 2017 Triumph!

August 25, 2017

Trinity is looking to hire a Youth Pastor!

Inquiries can be directed to: tupcoffice@trinityup.org

August 25, 2017

A lot has been happening at Trinity! Click here to find out what we've been up to and what is coming! Read the September/October 2017 Trinity.

Also, you can view photos from Chenoa Stock, our mission co-worker in Bolivia.

April 22, 2017

Read the May/June 2017 Trinity Triumph!

March 18, 2017

Read the March/April 2017 Trinity Triumph!

Read the January/February 2017 Trinity Triumph! Join us for "The Holy Land Revealed"

Also, here is the Advent Bolivia Newsletter--Messengers of Hope article by Chenoa Stock.

December 20, 2016

Join us Christmas Eve, December 24, 2016 at 7pm to celebrate the birth of our Lord!

December 2, 2016

Join us for our Christmas program and potluck on December 11th! The event will follow the worship service. This year's pageant will feature our Sunday School Class children, plus a special guest appearance by our own Hinda Ardrey portraying "Mom" in "12 Symbols of Christmas."

October 27, 2016

Read the November/December 2016 Trinity Triumph!

Also, here is an article on the effects of Hurricane Matthew and ways you can help through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

August 23, 2016

Read the September/October 2016 Trinity Triumph and learn more about Chenoa Stock, mission co-worker in Bolivia!

August 2016

Trinity United Presbyterian Church has formed a relationship with PC(USA) Mission Co-worker, Chenoa Stock. Chenoa is a companionship facilitator for the Joining Hands for Life Network, Bolivia. Joining Hands is an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program that addresses the root causes of hunger, poverty, and injustice through networks of churches and non-governmental organizations in developing countries. In Bolivia, the Joining Hands Network is called UMAVIDA, which is a Spanish acronym for 'Joining Hands for Life'. UMAVIDA's concerns include environmental contamination from the mining industry and issues related to land and health. It also educates youth about the growing water-related issues and works to empower communities, specifically women, to exercise their human rights. Chenoa acts as a bridge between UMAVIDA and its partner presbyteries and congregations in the United States.

Chenoa is a native of Pittsburgh and the daughter of Presbyterian co-pastors. Following her graduation from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, she became a Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) in Kerala, India, where she taught English for a primary school of the women's group, Sevika Sanghorn of the Marthoma Church. Her supervisor, the Rev. Thomas John, was the YAV site coordinator and companionship facilitator for the India Joining Hands Network. Chenoa and the other YAVs were challenged by him to question poverty and injustice and to search their call as Christians. About a year after finishing her assignment in India, Chenoa accepted a mission appointment in Sri Lanka as companionship facilitator for the newly formed Joining Hands Network, Praja Abhilasha (People's Aspirations). This network was created after the 2006 tsunami, whose destruction affected many fishing communities and their right to land and water. This situation was also complicated by the three-decade long civil war, and Chenoa and the network worked with communities to protect the interests of fishermen, tea plantation workers and their families.

Chenoa realized the call to justice and to walk with our neighbors had become deeply ingrained in her. Micah 6:8's call 'to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with God' expresses her sense of call to her assignment in Bolivia. Chenoa has been in her position as Mission Co-worker in Bolivia since January 2011, and her mission service with PC(USA) began in July 2006. She has been married to her husband Jose' Luis Claure Villarroel, who is from Bolivia, since August 15, 2015.

Please visit her image gallery here.

July - August 2016

Read the July/August 2016 Trinity Triumph!

May 21, 2016

Read the May/June 2016 Trinity Triumph!

April 2016

Read the March/April 2016 Trinity Triumph!

January 6, 2016

Happy new year! Read the first issue of the January/February Triumph!
Also note the updated information for our homebound friends.

November 1, 2015

Here is the November-December Triumph!

August 30, 2015

Promotion Sunday is September 6! Can you help us find the history of the mysterious stone cross? Read about it in the September-October Triumph!

June 26, 2015

Join us on July 5, 2015 for our church picnic!

Also, join Pastor Dennis in his Bible study, 'Toward Understanding the Thought of Paul'. THURSDAYS July 2nd; 9th; 16th; 23rd

Either in the mornings 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Or in the evenings 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Read all about this and more in the July-August Triumph!

May 1, 2015

This month we celebrate our graduates! Congratulations to all who are graduation from high school and college!

We are also preparing for our VBS program in June. Read all about this and more in the May/June Triumph!

March 8, 2015

We invite you to join us this Easter season. Read about upcoming services in this month's Trinity Triumph!

Also, support our Youth as they participate in the 30 Hour Famine, March 14 and 15!

February 20, 2015


This coming Sunday, February 22nd, will conclude the privilege for our church of sharing in the music ministry of our organist, Clem Burton.

He has indicated that his illness prevents further involvement, and that he wishes the 22nd to be his last Sunday with us.

He has served the Church faithfully for many, many years.

He will be recognized during the worship service, and in the "fellowship time" that follows in the Sanctuary entry area.

January 4, 2015

2 New Winter Bible Study Opportunities! Find out about these Bible studies and more in the Jan/Feb 2015 Trinity Triumph!

November 23, 2014

Read about the Chrismons and check out the December calendar of events in this month's Trinity Triumph!

November 1, 2014

Hanging of the Greens on November 23rd. Read about this and more in this month's Trinity Triumph!

September 28, 2014

The 18th Annual SOUPer Bowl Sunday will be held on Sunday, October 19. Read about it in the October 2014 Trinity Triumph!

August 20, 2014

Read the September 2014 Trinity Triumph here!

May 10, 2014

An interview with our Pastor - read the May 2014 Trinity Triumph here!

March 25, 2014

Read the April 2014 Trinity Triumph here!

March 2014

Read the March 2014 Trinity Triumph here!

February 13, 2014

Read the February 2014 Trinity Triumph here!

January 26, 2014

Due to poor weather conditions, there will be no Sunday School or Worship Service on January 26, 2014.

December 31, 2013

Happy New Years from Trinity United Presbyterian Church!  Read the January 2014 Trinity Triumph here!

December 15, 2013

Read the December 2013 Trinity Triumph!  We welcome Dennis Allison as our new pastor!

November 12, 2013

Read the November 2013 Trinity Triumph!

October 2013

Read the October 2013 Trinity Triumph!

September 29, 2013

The Reverend James A. Schumacher, Th.D., Emeritus Pastor 

At a special congregational meeting on Sunday September 15, 2013 the congregation unanimously bestowed on Reverend Dr. James A. Schumacher the honorary designation Pastor Emeritus.

Dr. and Mrs. Schumacher were officially recognized during the regular 10:30AM worship service on September 29, 2013. Following the service, the congregation met for a potluck luncheon in Fellowship Hall to congratulate and reminisce with Dr. Schumacher and Sally.

Congratulations Dr. Schumacher!

September 2013

Read the September 2013 Trinity Triumph!

August 17, 2013

Read the August 2013 Trinity Triumph!

June 6, 2013

We welcome our Interim Pastor, Dennis Allison to Trinity!  Read his message in the June Trinity Triumph!

May 21, 2013

Read the May 2013 Trinity Triumph!

April 7, 2013

Fighting hunger:  the 30 Hour Famine and Cents-Ability - learn more in the April 2013
Trinity Triumph!

March 11, 2013

Hurricane Sandy relief project - read the March 2013 Trinity Triumph!

February 11, 2013

Discover what it means to be a gifted Christian - read the Feburary 2013 Trinity Triumph!

December 7, 2012

Celebrate Christmas with Trinity! More details about the Christmas Eve service will follow soon.
Read the December 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter.

November 12, 2012

Help a family in need this Thanksgiving!  Find out how in the November 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter.

October 9, 2012

Get the latest Trinity news in the October 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter.

September 10, 2012

Fall Sunday School begins!  Read about it in the September 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter.

August 6, 2012

Trinity will participate in ServeFest again this year.  Read about it in the August 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter.

June 10, 2012

View the June/July 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter.

May 15, 2012

View the May 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter.

April 11, 2012

View the April 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter

March 04, 2012

View the March 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter

February 12, 2012

View the February 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter

January 2012

Check out the photo gallery update - 2011 Christmas pageant!

January 7, 2012

View the January 2012 Trinity Triumph newsletter

December 22, 2011

Help us Take the Tags Off!  Click to view the poster:

The piano is here to stay!  But the tags will stay on it as a reminder that we have yet to meet our goal.  If you have been considering making a donation, now is the time!  End-of-year contributions earmarked for the piano would make a lovely gift to the church!

December 8, 2011

View the December 2011 Trinity Triumph newsletter

November 8, 2011

View the November 2011 Trinity Triumph newsletter  

September 28, 2011

View the October 2011 Trinity Triumph newsletter  and the newsletter update - the 25th year of Handbells at Trinity!

September 2011

Rich Simcox Sound

September 2011

View the Trinity United Presbyterian Church newsletter for September.

830 Military Road • Zanesville, Ohio 43701 • 740-452-8482